Mailing Address
Institute of WorkComp Professionals,
PO BOX 5437 Asheville, NC 28813
How Can We Help You?

Kevin Ring – Lead Workers’ Compensation Analyst
Locked and Loaded Training is here to give you the tools you need to reduce your Workers’ Compensation expenses while still caring for your employee's health and well-being in the best possible way.
Since 2001, we’ve helped insurance agents save businesses millions of dollars in unnecessary Workers’ Comp expenses. The processes we teach deliver measurable, long-lasting, cost-saving results. Give us a call and discover how you can create an overcharge-free system that keeps more money in your operating account year after year. We are committed to providing you with the education and training to take control of your Workers’ Compensation expenses once and for all.
Discover Insider Information On Hidden Dangers Employers Face By Ignoring Workers’ Comp.
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7 Secrets that Cost You a Bundle in Workers’ Comp.
About Kevin Ring
Lead Workers’ Comp Advisor with the Institute Of WorkComp Professionals.